Plein Air trip @ Garrapata State Park, Yankee Point in Camel

Gorgeous day in Carmel, we decided to paint the narrow road scene on the hill behind the Highland Inn where we stayed for two nights.

It was just across the narrow road off the the parking lot of the hotel.  Afternoon light shone on a white house hiding deep into all the trees looked intriguing.  We wanted to paint it since our last trip.

Set up our easels, straight away working on the painting.  A young woman came and told us that we were on her property, the little parking area off the narrow road.  And also she said that she would call the hotel and come out to check us too we left, then did the rest of our 1st paintings inside our room, lol... 

Wednesday morning we got up late, and went to Garrapata State Park.  Immediately I saw the sign of MPAPA's sign, so I knew that the local Plein Air painters were painting in  the park.  

I saw Teresa first, she was from the South Bay area like us.  She was working on a beautiful pastel piece.  After chatting with her,  we then saw the organizer Al.  His oil landscape painting looking great, with a lot of brush work, felt the movement.

I guessed that other artists had already finished their work and left.  We found our spot and painted for several hours.  Very nice day, but it was a little too windy to paint.

After we finished our works, Al and Teresa were still working on their second and third paintings of the day.

We moved on to our next spot call Yankee Point, which we wanted to paint this trip.  We even had a beach to sit down and work.  Before the sunset, we finished our work, and headed back to the hotel.  What an inspiring place! 
(September 29 2022)

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