Capitola Plein Air 8th Annual Art Festival 2023

Laurie Hill, the organizer of Capitola Plein Air Evert, gave me a personal orientation before I started. Weather was perfect, I was in a rush and felt excited to start working, but forgot my parking permit. No worries, I saw a flower stand on the corner of Monterey St and Park Ave. A Mexican Lady carried a baby, and two others looked like teenage girl helpers. Surprisingly, their business was very good. Every several minutes someone stopped by and bought flowers. Not mention it was Tuesday. I thought people usually buy flowers before the weekend. After my work was done, the younger teenager asked me if it was OK to take a photo, the lady with the baby she talked to me in Spanish, which I didn't understand. They took photo, then we had photo together. Next day, I met a newly wed couple from Texas while I was painting outside Zelda's on the Beach. They seemed very interested in my work. I gave them the Sunday exhibition info, hopefully they would ...