Capitola Plein Air 7th Annual Art Festival 2022

October 31 Day 1

My second year participating the annual Plein Air. Very happy to see Laurie, the event chair, and other artists when I checked in, though it was gray and cold, only 53 degrees. Luckily all the participants got parking permits next to the City Hall.

Dragged my stuff walked partway through town and met several painters. Decided to paint on the pier, and got permission from the store owner to set up my gear in front of his shop. There were three or four older guys chatting across from me, some passers by dressed up Halloween outfits complimented my work.

Then I moved back to my car, drank water and ate some snack. Went back and started painting my second one, smaller size, but I liked the colors of the building. It was getting colder, watercolor paper wasn't drying, and took much longer to do my next steps. It was about near sunset, so I decided to hit the road for home.

November 1 Day 2

It was raining heavily at the location...

November 2 Day 3

Arrived there and found a spot at the edge of Soquel Creek, Capitola. A huge dog came out and seemed to say "Hi", he was very friendly. Later I met the owner of the house, his wife was an artist too and participating in the Plein Air event as well.

It was a gorgeous day after rain, fresh air and blue sky. But it kept sprinkling, so I had to move my stuff several times under a tiny covered area against the wall. Not really happy with the result of this painting.

Afternoon light was very bright and clouds were dramatic, I painted in front of the colorful houses facing the restaurant I didn't even knew the name, only saw the "Paradise Beach" sign.

Worked there for hours, it wasn't warm, also it started sprinkling again. Luckily I stood under a balcony for cover. A rainbow came out on top of the bridge, wish I knew earlier and it could have been in my painting.

I thought the sunset time was beautiful, found a spot working on the bridge. The owner I met in the morning walking his huge dog passed by. He asked me why I didn't go to the artists reception. I was wondering why I didn't see any artists around...

I totally forgot about it, supposed to be from 4pm to 6pm at the Shadow Brook. Dragging my gear, I ran breathing heavily. Finally I made it, but missed the group photo. At least I got enough to eat and drink. Caught up with several artists, and met several new ones. Tired day!

November 3 Day 4

I almost missed the artists reception yesterday, just because I was so inspired by the beautiful sunset on the Stockton Bridge. My goal was finishing the painting of what I saw. Of course it was challenging, though it was a nice day, still very cold and windy. I kept moving into the sun, and it helped a little bit for getting my paper dry. There was a waitress came out to complement my work from Capitola Bar & Grill, and she brought me warm food samples. Later she did it again. I guess they were helping to encouraging my energy. Many people passing by complimented my sunset painting. Suddenly another waitress ran to me from the same restaurant to take a video recording as I was painting. If I knew the spot was that popular, I might not paint there. But it was too late.

Walked around and tried to find inspiration. Walked into the English Ales and saw Durre Waseem was painting the interior and Alfred Shamble was having a beer and French fries. Instantly I joined them. Nicole worked there, she was super friendly to us. It really was a husband day care center. This pub was charming, cozy and warm, what a luxurious Plein Air afternoon.

Finally, I sat down painting and there was a heater next to me. I did two small paintings, they took almost the same amount time to paint as my larger paintings.

I moved on for our lobster dinner out. Had a great time with the other artists. Met our new artist from Ukraine and part of her family. She has only been in the USA only seven months, and I was told her painting sales were to support her country.

Such a long day, I was tired and not feeling well when I left. Got home it was after 9pm.

November 4 Day 5

Framing whole day. there are many steps for one painting. First to sign it, of course I had to use mat to see where to sign. I didn't see at the first one, Ended up it was covered by the mat. Haha, good lesson, and one painting with two signatures.

Then I had to bring all the paintings outside for spray with the UV protection three times. And have to wait till they were ready for the next spray. It took longer time, but I thought it was very lucky that it wasn't a rainy day.

Next step to tape each painting to the mat. Had to double and triple check if the window showing exactly the area I wished.

After that I need to clean all the glass, or plexiglass to avoid scratches. Sounds simple, but they were very tricky to prepare.

I had to cut the backboards, make sure they were the right sizes for the right frame, mat etc..

Put each artwork with tapped mat facing the glass, make sure each painting fit into the frame well. Put the back board down, use pointer gun to staple it in.

Thanks to my husband for using his break time to drill holes and install D rings and hanging wire for the frames. Otherwise I would have had to do all of them my self.

November 5 Day 6

Mandatory Paint Day in Esplanade Park between the hours of 10 am – 2:00 pm.

Arrived there before 10, many artists had already started painting. Checked in, my husband helped to drag my painting gear to the beach under the wharf. Spent hours working on drawing part of the painting.

But I didn't bring any paper towels with me. Luckily, my husband went door to door and found a guy who was reading a book near his window. He was very friendly and gave us plenty of paper towels. He said that in years past other artists cam by and asked water last year as well. What supportive people live in Capitola.

I worried that I wouldn't have enough time to finish if I continued painting each post of the pier. Then I started using bigger brush and more paint to cover the areas. The result was better than I expected. Also I put a surf girl into my work. I was pretty happy with the result.

Had a quick simple lunch at the beach with my husband. Got home in the late of afternoon, more framing, labeling and packing all my work.

November 6 Day 7

There were many artists already displaying their work on the panels before 9 am when we arrived there. I selected three of my best works for the judging, then we artists headed to Wholefoods for coffee as the artists aren't allowed in the building during the judging. Visitors were in a big queue waiting to enter when we got back.

I didn't win any prize this time but there was an endless stream of people that came by and many complimented my work. Many of them came to vote for my work as well. Some people came to me for commissions. Unfortunately, being by the window there was a lot of reflection on the glass of the frames, which reduced the viewability of my paintings. Some of the winning artists happily got in line for their prizes and recognition.

I thought that I painted really well, and created several wonderful paintings, otherwise I wouldn't have so many visitors, and a lot of people came for voting my work, though there was terrible reflection through the glass and Plexi.

At the end, a guy came to me and asked about my favorite painting, the one I didn't want to sell. I saw he came by so many times to check it out, then I realized that my favorite work could be in a loving family. I also realized he was the event chair person Laurie's husband. I was very honored and super pleased my "Sunset Capitola" was going to such an esteemed collector. Deeply thankful to Laurie, she told me that she managed to surprise me. Also I noticed that the couple walking hand in hand in the sunset on Stockton bridge in my painting could have been Laurie and her husband, is it fate?

Original Art Story

Original Art Story - The Colors of La Boca Argentina

The Old Man and The Sea - Original Watercolor

Work in Progress, live models studies - long and short pose

Paintings with Auspicious Symbols II - Chrysanthemum and Frog

Short-pose live male model drawings

3 hours session live model study in oil - work in progress

Short pose live female model study

Paintings with Auspicious Symbols V - Peacocks 孔雀東南飛

Short-pose live male model drawings

A White Peacock - 一只白孔雀