Plein Air @ Panther Beach Santa Cruz CA 加州風景寫生

Our summer starts late than in most locations, but it finally has arrived.  It was almost 90 F degrees, seemed that it was a perfect day went to beach and paint with friends to get my motivation back.

I checked the weather report, but it never tells the right coastal weather condition.  It showed only 57 F degrees when I drove to Santa Cruz.  I hesitated but knew I should continue.  I didn't want to come out of my car after I arrived.

There were a local store next to the Cabrillo Highway near the Panther Beach.  I pulled over because I wanted to use the restroom.  Not surprised that I had to buy something before I got the key.  Checked out the store, mostly vegetables and fruits that were quite costly, some of them from local and looked fresh.  I bought a large beet with leaves on it.  

I was told that I was not allowed to park in front of the store, than I moved my car to park cross the High Way #1.  

Didn't see my artist friends yet, I decided to walk to the beach to check where I could paint.  It was not an easy way to walk down to the beach, the way was narrow and had a drain pipe to navigate around.  I guessed that curious people like me to make used it as a "road".  Lucky I didn't bring my gear, hardly made it down, it was super-slippery, uneven surface. I had to used my hands carefully help myself to the beach.  

There was only me to see the whole beach, and I realized that it was my first time being there.  Of course I had to check out how the beach was through the whole.  Than I saw three more people in the distance.  I enjoyed the  peaceful moment, walked around the beach, took some footages, discovered another deep and dark whole.  Because of the water surrounded, I won't able to check it inside.

Found another easier way walk back to the road level.  Saw a family with three kids carried a lot of food, trying the way like I did.  Instantly, I suggested them the better way I walked back.  Hope they enjoyed the day there.  

Walking on the beach and climbing the both ways already made me tired.  Set up my working station not far from where I parked the car.  This spot was not as windy as the other places, and the view was beautiful.  I believed that I wasn't the only artist and painted there, because the plants were died and dried on the ground.

Started a sketch as usual, before I started my watercolor painting.  my artist friend found me and later she and her former AAU teacher Berry we painted at the same spot.  Another artist couple painted not far from us. (July 12 2023)

Original Art Story

Original Art Story - The Colors of La Boca Argentina

Paintings with Auspicious Symbols V - Peacocks 孔雀東南飛

The Old Man and The Sea - Original Watercolor

Short-pose live male model drawings

Short-pose live male model drawings

Work in Progress, live models studies - long and short pose

Short pose live female model study

Happy Mother's Day - The Red Shoes

Plein Air trip @ Carmel by the sea, CA

A White Peacock - 一只白孔雀