Quick studies before the Annual Alameda Plein Air Evert

Redwood City Port seems like a perfect location for practicing painting on a windy day. A year ago I painted at the location a couple of times. It was windy in the afternoon. I found a short tree to paint under to block a little wind. Took me almost an hour to finish the drawing. I tried to paint the kayak, but it was removed from the people working there. Lucky I had my reference photo. Not sure why I love painting fishing boats

Later the owner of the boat next to it came to me, he took a photo and wanted me to paint his boat someday... Rushed to the drawing class...(July 26 2022)

I have to get ready for the Annual Alameda Plein Air event, so I drove to the Campbell Community Center to practice, but I didn't know what to paint. Walked around and saw the Campbell Pool, then I knew it would be a good subject to practice. Found a corner and set up my stuff. For the composition purposes, I had to "move" and "reset" several little details. It wasn't as difficult as I thought. I was actually ready to leave, a guy came and told me that no-one is allowed at the corner spot as I was standing and painting. He gave me the compliment of my work. (July 25 2022)

Today I started a little behind, wanted to paint in Los Gatos downtown, but I changed my mind on the way, went to Campbell instead. Instantly I got a good parking spot, and the subject I planned to paint for a long time was there, a Mexican Lady selling fruit juice at the street corner.

Set up my gear to get ready. Suddenly a big white van parked right in front, blocking my view of the juice lady. I ran and asked him how long he would take to unload his delivery. He said to me that I shouldn't bother him, because he could park there as long as he wanted. I talked patiently that I was an artist coming to paint, his van blocked what I wanted to see, just wanted to know how long his van would be staying, so I could make decision if I should move or not. He looked like he didn't listen, but was angry and shouted to me to leave him alone. I started feeling mad too, and said I was there first, I just wanted to know how long his van would be blocking me. Actually, it took him about fifteen minutes to finish his job, he went across to chat with the juice lady a bit, then moved on. I didn't think he really understood me. So I moved my stuff back and resumed painting. I thought it really effected my painting mood. Took me much longer and I wasn't happy with the result. (July 28 2022).


Original Art Story

Original Art Story - The Colors of La Boca Argentina

Paintings with Auspicious Symbols V - Peacocks 孔雀東南飛

The Old Man and The Sea - Original Watercolor

Short-pose live male model drawings

Short-pose live male model drawings

Work in Progress, live models studies - long and short pose

Short pose live female model study

Happy Mother's Day - The Red Shoes

Plein Air trip @ Carmel by the sea, CA

A White Peacock - 一只白孔雀