Plein Air @ Pigeon Point Pescadero CA 加州風景寫生

Over 100 miles and about 3 hours driving around trip, just because I was caught in a little bit traffic in the morning.

Thinking to paint the lighthouse for a long time, it was too windy or it was raining... But today was a hot day. After my dental appointment, driving on windy CA highway route 84 in the hills, I really did want to arrive the Pigeon Point as early as I could.

There was an SUV Volvo car in front of me driving only 15 miles/hr. I was very patient at the beginning, because usually I am a slow driver, always let most of the cars pass by me if it is possible. After a couple of miles, I realized that his brakes were on all the way, so I sent him flashing headlights since there was only one lane, with the occasional shoulders. But this guy would not let me pass. After a while, I started honking gently with flashing, he still drove very slow for miles... Finally he pulled his car on the shoulder, so I was able to arrive the location past 11am. Beautiful breezy day around 80 degrees with some mist at the lighthouse. I had to use my precious umbrella, made sure it was tightly set up. Straight away I painted learning from taking masters' workshop by using the leftover painting on my pallet, didn't think too much about rocks and waves, those I was always afraid to do. A quick landscape I finished it less than two hours.

On the same way back, felt fun to drive on the curving road, besides my car GPS had the different direction than Google map, I prefer following Google's depends on my experience. A toll truck in front me driving at a reasonable speed, but the driver immediately pulled over to the shoulder to let me go first, how nice I thought.

Suddenly a biker in front of me in the middle of road, so I had to slow down of course by following him for a mile or two. Lucky there was a stop sign which we both stopped, I opened my window and saw him pull out his earbud. I talked to him politely that he should ride on the bike lane for safety reason. He probably saw I was Asian and responded rudely "what f... problem, you b...!". I was taught in Chinese culture that a female should NEVER curse, and I always followed it. But not this time, "Your son of the b...!" I was mad and drove away faster than his bike. A short moment later, I started feeling scared that he could kill me if he had a gun, and there were no witnesses nearby... I wonder if I should have stayed silent just like most of Asians. What would you have done❓
(September 30 2019)

Original Art Story

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