Jazz San Francisco - Inspired by Blues and Jazz Music

My newly finished original oil painting on canvas, 36"x24"x1.5", "Jazz San Francisco", was inspired by Blues and Jazz musicians and their soulful music! I posted a basic drawing on Facebook before (https://www.facebook.com/zxling1).

I am very lucky to live in the Bay Area, California.  Each year we could join many Music or Art and Wine Festivals.  We could experience the all kinds music or see many styles of art from all over the world and from the locals.  Being a part of the audience at many shows, I think Blues and Jazz music are the best.   The musicians could let us feel their souls from their beautiful and expressive playing or singing.  Slowly, I get to know more and deeper.

Still, I remember that I didn't like the life here for a long time.  I was so disappointed and expressed it through my artwork "San Francisco Moments", which I created in 2012.  Far away from family and friends.  It seems that no-one could really understood my loneliness and depression...(Here is the link of the painting and the story http://originalartstories.blogspot.com/2012/10/san-francisco-charming-city.html).

Maybe the beautiful sunshine in California, I've learned to settle my heart as home base here slowly, and enjoy life, enjoy the moment, especially the music I believe that really helps me overcome my difficult times. I guess it is the reason I created this new painting "Jazz San Francisco".  The creating process helps my art and my soul to grow, to find joy in life.  I will no longer allow negative things in my life to spoil all of the good things I have.  I choose to be happy!

Original Art Story

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