A female model's first sitting

It was a rainy Saturday this Easter weekend.  I went to an evening live model session at Lynn's studio by chance that I found through Instagram, also it was very close where I live.  

About 10 artists showed up, and one came all the way from Oakland on such a rainy weekend. 

Painting and photography are unique arts. As we see in the work of old masters, great painting captures instead the outward molding of inner feeling that is truer to the individual than any momentary expression.  Because artist adds emotion into the painting it is unique to the individual.  Different color palettes, brushstrocks, or different perpectives to catch the likelness of the model.  

Painting a model in realistic style isn't as important to me as capturing the essence of the model's expression.  I don't use a reference photo to copy a model, instead I use my eye and my hands to capture the expression from life, practise during the precious moments of the painting session.

Of course, I use reference photos to complete my work if I run out of time in in a live model painting after session,

At the almost the end part of this session, I tried to paint her interesting shoes.  But her feet kept moving around.  I guessed her feet problly felt numb by then. 

One artist she did an etching, but I missed to seeing her final result after we were done for the session.  

This young lady model told us that it was her first time sitting for painters, and at the end she was very excited to see each of our works from different angles, different color palettes and perspectives to paint her.  

Happy Easter!  (March 30 2024)

Original Art Story

Original Art Story - The Colors of La Boca Argentina

The Old Man and The Sea - Original Watercolor

Work in Progress, live models studies - long and short pose

Paintings with Auspicious Symbols II - Chrysanthemum and Frog

Short-pose live male model drawings

3 hours session live model study in oil - work in progress

Short pose live female model study

Paintings with Auspicious Symbols V - Peacocks 孔雀東南飛

Short-pose live male model drawings

A White Peacock - 一只白孔雀