Plein Air @ Red Barn La Honda Open Space Preserve CA

Today I was supposed to meet up and paint with other artists near the La Honda Open Space Preserve parking lot #22. But there were several road work construction projects on the way, not mention it was a narrow curvy road, and bike people were on the same road too.

Not sure if the Google map or my car GPS wasn't clear on the directions, but I got lost many times before around #280 and in the mountains etc. not today. I knew I was late, so I decided to paint at a red barn that was on the way, which I wanted to paint it for years. Painted under my hatchback for a little bit shade, looked through the fence to the red barn, I was a little bit short to see the whole scene. And discover a died dead deer's body, poor thing, felt sorry about it...

Weather was 10 degree cooler, about 70. I've painted many barns, today I painted it smaller and focused on the landscape instead of architecture. Though I didn't meet the others, I was peacefully painting alone by using a high key to color palette for the strong direct sunshine.

On the way back, I got lost near the Skyline Blvd again, hahaha... (July 13 2022)

Original Art Story

Original Art Story - The Colors of La Boca Argentina

Paintings with Auspicious Symbols V - Peacocks 孔雀東南飛

The Old Man and The Sea - Original Watercolor

Short-pose live male model drawings

Short-pose live male model drawings

Work in Progress, live models studies - long and short pose

Short pose live female model study

Happy Mother's Day - The Red Shoes

Plein Air trip @ Carmel by the sea, CA

A White Peacock - 一只白孔雀