Capitola Plein Air 6th Annual Art Festival 2021

“Creativity takes courage” – Henri Matisse 

November 1 - Day 1
I was quite lucky to get an invitation to join the Capitola Plein Air Event, which I always wanted to join, but it didn't fit into my schedule in the past.

Felt excited and checked the weather report constantly, but that didn't help to clear the rain. Arrived there in the morning, met the friendly volunteers, and Laurie the event chair, she was very helpful and made each detail super clear to me!

Then Al checked in. He knew Capitola quite well, showed me a couple of places that had the great views. So thankful to him!

After I drove to Shadowbrook Restaurant, it hadn't opened yet. I thought that I might paint there under the cover of the roof. An elegantly dressed lady told me that I had to call the restaurant manager, etc. So instead I started painting the front of the restaurant from under a tree with my trunk door open in the parking lot. Rain was slowing down a little bit. Another artist came and we met, she painted her 2nd painting in the same parking lot.

I drove home in the rain, my painting was not dry even by the time I got home. Saved a little energy, would start earlier the net day.

Day 2
Peaceful morning in Capitola, painting on the wharf. Didn't realize that there were always people passing by wanting to meet me. Later, Laurie came by and took photos. Finished two paintings there. Turned around, every angle was paintable, love Capitola. People were so friendly and appreciated what I was painting, always said that I did good job, even a little boy about 7 years old, he told me that my painting looked better each time he past by.

Really felt I could be a camel now, didn't eat and drink for about five hours, not even used a restroom either. Because the weather was very nice, tried to paint one more before going home.

I chose to paint the red phone box that I wanted to do a decade ago. The restaurant wasn't opened yet. I grabbed a chair sitting down, instantly I felt so much better from head to toe. It was more complicated to draw than it looked. Then even more challenging to add colors. It was hard to paint loosely, I didn't have a small enough brush to work on it. Well, struggled through to finish it.

I saw Marti painting near the village area in the morning, then Barbara painted there in the afternoon. Met several artists, many of them I never saw before. Got home after seven, a tiring day!

Day 3
Started painting the Windmill Silo Playhouse on the canal from above the canal. Though I painted this building twice in vertical compositions, today I did a horizontal one. There were many trees surrounding the house, and the old Soquel Creek Railway Bridge on the right. Just like yesterday, I felt I didn't have enough detail brushes. Mine are old brushes, those I hold comfortably while painting, but not good points any longer. A guy came by and talked me, he was nice and friendly willing to help me. He told me that the lady owned the Windmill House was excited to tell him that someone was painting her house. But I had to stop talking to him after I realized that I could not finish my work, actually it took me about four hours to finish.

We had dinner together at the Shadowbrook Restaurant at 4 pm. So I quickly grabbed another spot nearby and did a quick watercolor sketch. It was my first time eating there. The restaurant was so beautiful with its own elevator, and the food was so delicious. Met and talked to several old and new artist friends. Durre was there, she came all the way from LA area right after Texas Plein Air event  She told me that she was away from home over two months.  Last time we saw each other was during Alameda Plein Air event in August. I had to go home after our group photo was shot.

Day 4
Wanted to paint a neighbor's door way next to Shadowbrook, but there was a very large size van parked in  front after I got there in the morning. Luckily, the garden cleaning guy talked to me, and he moved his van, and I got to paint the beautiful doorway, which reminded me in Italy or in Mexico. Then I moved to paint the Railway track, which looked simple, but was not easy to do. I didn't want to go too far, since Marti invited many artists, we would have lobster dinner at the Zelda's Restaurant.

Painted the red rowboats on the wharf, those I wanted to paint for a long time. There were only a few people there, sun had started setting. Very quiet, all I could hear was the sound of the waves. Only painted two boats, instead of six or seven in a row. Then joined the party, I was starving from not eating for a whole day. Dinner was delicious, even better, I enjoyed the conversation with friendly artists and organizer Laurie. Lots of fun and much to learn from them...

Day 5
Got home late and tired. Looked my paintings, I wasn't happy with the one I painted on the wharf, so went back to paint it again, had a little improvement. Then painted at this small but beautiful homey feeling Monarch Cove Inn, a charming fountain got my attention, peaceful place. Went home for framing.

Day 6
John Crawfords, a very experienced artist I just met at the Wednesday party, suggested we painted the Capitola beach on Saturday morning. So my husband drove me there. Instantly saw Barbara, she had just finished hers, and I her spot next to John. He did a large painting using large brush, finished very quickly, when I just started mine. Then Mark painted next to me. Victoria finished her painting of the ocean. An artist gave us energy bars, Laurie was so busy, but still came and talked to us, took photos etc. I helped to handout as many post cards as I could. Did a painting with a surfer and dog in, many people liked my work while passing by... Came home for framing and preparations.

Day 7
The biggest day of our week - work exhibit and sales, also the judging took place. It was also the day time change back to normal.  After a good sleep, my husband supported delivering me and my framed paintings to the New Brighton Middle School Art Center, which I had mentioned to each person who was interested when watching me paint.  Only three paintings were hanging for the judging from 10 am to 11 am. 

During that time we all walked to the local deli and coffee shop to have something to eat or drink.  Chatted there with other artists and came back to check out all the prize winners.  Everyone put so much effort into it, so I believed that each of us deserved great prizes.  Only because there was a smaller budget.  My two panels were just facing the entrance, became a welcome spot.  Many people viewed my work.  A lady with two young children  looked at my paintings for a long time.  She even wrote and voted for my painting too as "people's choice".  After that she bought my painting.  I was excited and found out when the two-year old little girl who handed the "sold ticket" back to me was her granddaughter.  So lucky I could get into this great Plein Air event, there was so much to learn from the other wonderful artists.

Several Chinese friend artists Eric, Mike and Clemson came.  Eric spent a very generous amount of time helping to critique my work.  He is really a masterful figurative painting and artist, professionally trained in China.  We walked around to look through other's works together.  Always could learn so much from a masterful painter artist from his point of view and rich knowledge.

Met the judge and I asked for her advice for my career improvement by looking at my work.  She told me that her father was an architect.  She saw her father's watercolor left a lot of white space on the page. I told her respectfully that I would try her ideas someday... 

I know what kind of art and artists I like the most.  I thought carefully on the way back what area I did OK, and which paintings I could have made improvements on. At least I did my contribution to Capitola Plein Air Event, and I sold one painting!  My main goal is to become a better artist and create my own style artwork, always keep it in my mind. Do not let other things limit my thought.  

Original Art Story

Original Art Story - The Colors of La Boca Argentina

Paintings with Auspicious Symbols V - Peacocks 孔雀東南飛

The Old Man and The Sea - Original Watercolor

Short-pose live male model drawings

Short-pose live male model drawings

Work in Progress, live models studies - long and short pose

Short pose live female model study

Happy Mother's Day - The Red Shoes

Plein Air trip @ Carmel by the sea, CA

A White Peacock - 一只白孔雀