Plein Air @ Pigeon Point Lighthouse Pescadero CA

🙏Say a prayer for those killed at the shooting in San Jose today!

Planned to paint at Pigeon Point Lighthouse for a while now. Because it is always super-windy, I kept checking weather report, my instincts told me many times not to go. Quickly checked it again this morning and it was OK to paint during my usual Plein Air hours.
First my car wasn't fully charged, but i had enough juice to cover the miles. Loaded my painting gear into car. Then my car GPS directed me to an unusual way, seemed a little bit further. It was not a big deal. Only myself driving on the dappled sunlit road, I enjoyed seeing all the beautiful redwood trees. Only a person in front of me drove super slow later, and I had to pass by when I had the chance. Enjoyed the magnificent ocean scenery. Finally, got into a big line waiting for the road work only 2.8 miles before arriving at the Lighthouse. No matter how much I wanted to start my painting earlier, I had to wait patiently...

It was cold and windy, only 52 degrees though I was well prepared. But many area were blocked for the road work and lots trucks or service machinery. Finally, felt a little proud inside to find a spot and the information sign behind me to block a little bit wind. The wind was getting stronger, it was not fun, actually it was the most struggling if work won't stay steady.  I "raised" the sea level by adding a little blue in my work, where I couldn't see the ocean while I was painting.

 On the way back, I was truly thankful to those road workers while driving on the smooth road! (May 26 2021)

Original Art Story

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