My Hummingbird Neighbors IV - Welcome Back

The weather was unusual this year, the temperature jumped up and down, one week like winter with heater on, the next week felt like summer. We didn't even feel the spring!

I had been wondering for a while if the hummingbird mother was coming back to the same nest or nearby to build a new nest to raise baby birds again. It was still too cold for them after April, then I gave up on the idea.

Our neighbor has very large potato tree (Solanum erianthum) which blooms with blue flowers all year round. I had noticed that there was a hummingbird hanging on a dead brunch there cleaning its feathers above our fence. I checked the leftover nest from last year, I thought even if the hummingbird comes back, it might not use the same old one...

It was perfect weather during the Mother's day weekend. Sunday morning, I saw a hummingbird fly by outside our window. Immediately, I spotted that she was feeding babies at exactly the same nest, but newly rebuilt, and more solid than the last one.

I was so happy, opened the window, and broke a couple of branches of the tree so I could able to see the baby birds when the mother was not around. I only could see some tiny black hairy body at the bottom of the nest - half walnut shell size, I had no idea if there was only one or more babies. Leave them alone and let them grow...

On May 20th, only one week after I found them, I already could see the baby hummingbirds' heads and beaks, there were two of them. I started taking photos, and wondered if the mother was the same hummingbird here from last year...?
( to be continued...)

Related stories at:
My Hummingbird Neighbors I - An Abandoned Nest

My Hummingbird Neighbors II - Watching the babies grow

My Hummingbird Neighbors III - An Awarded Single Mother

Or visiting my Photography Gallery - Animals And People Art at:

Original Art Story

Original Art Story - The Colors of La Boca Argentina

Paintings with Auspicious Symbols V - Peacocks 孔雀東南飛

The Old Man and The Sea - Original Watercolor

Short-pose live male model drawings

Short-pose live male model drawings

Work in Progress, live models studies - long and short pose

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