The Twin Sisters - A Book Cover Design

I had this opportunity to create a booklet by using mixed media for a Japanese Twin Sister's story. This was the design for the cover and the intruction page.

The story is about Japanese twin sisters who were separated since they were born, one lived in the east and other one lived in the west. Finally, they found each other after 20 years, but their destiny could not make their joyful reunion easy, or stay for long...

Additional changes were required for adding the cherry blossom to the design. It was just the right timing as they were blooming in our location in April. So, I took a perfect "Twin blossom" and added to it. 

Cherry trees and their blossoms in Japan go by the name of sakura and carry a great cultural meaning and significance for the people of Japan. The word sakura would translate as the Japanese flowering cherry tree in English whereas the blossoms are referred to as cherry blossoms. Originally, the purpose of hanami excursions was to ponder the transient nature of life, as the cherry blossom blooming season is so short, and cherry blossom flowers themselves are held in the highest esteem. This concept ties in with Buddhist thinking about the nature of life. The cherry blossom was also important to the samurai culture of Japan. Like cherry blossoms, samurai expected to have short lives. The cherry blossom also represented drops of blood.

Today, cherry blossoms are connected to innocence, spring and simplicity.

Please click the image for viewing a better result, or visiting my Mixed Medias Gallery at:

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