Plein Air @ Chris' Farm in Campbell CA åŠ å·žé¢¨æ™¯å¯«ç”Ÿ

Sun came out after weeks of rain. I went to one of my favorite spots to Plein Air, Chris' Farm in Campbell. Painted at the same location several times already, but I went there in the afternoon today. There were many interesting subjects there, and also it was not far from where I lived. The antique van and an old delivery truck were facing different directions. Quickly I had my drawing down and started to laying down some colors. Might be it was because it was afternoon, but it was not as quiet as it was used to be there. Cars driving and parking, people passing by or bicycling... Nice to hear several compliments. Sun went down fast and the temperature got colder. It was the time to leave, and I did enjoy being outdoors again working. (February 22 2024)