Plein Air @ Redwood City Marina San Mateo CA

Beautiful day in the 70s, painted at Redwood City Marina again. All the kids started earlier than me for their summer sailing lessons. Geese were happily enjoying eating the grass nearby. I found a shady spot and painted. Focused my practice on the clouds and remembered to take photos of my progress step by step for some friends' requests. Before I wrapped up, a large group of geese had almost occupied the area where I was standing. They were waiting patiently and watching for their leader's signal I guessed.  The adults were standing still, at the same time, some of the youngest geese in the group were eating or resting with their mothers watching over them very carefully, especially the ones that were very close to me. Will be back soon... (June 22 2021)

Original Art Story

Paintings with Auspicious Symbols V - Peacocks 孔雀東南飛

Original Art Story - The Colors of La Boca Argentina

Short-pose live male model drawings

Short-pose live male model drawings

The Old Man and The Sea - Original Watercolor

Chinese Moon Festival II - A Classical Poem and Homesick 中秋节思乡

Plein Air @ Allied Arts Guild Menlo Park CA

The Sound of Silence

Lady from Bangladesh

Plein Air @ Alviso Marina County Park San Jose CA