Plein Air @ Meadowlark Dairy Pleasanton CA 加州風景寫生

2020 Day22

Do you know the interesting history behind Meadowlark Dairy? Have you tried their dairy products yet?
Each time, I saw people in queues in front of the Meadowlark Dairy as I was passing by. To satisfy my curiosity, I planned to do Plein Air, also because there was a demo of Stephen Berry's, organized by CWA at the Firehouse Art Center. It was gray with some sprinkling in the morning when I was on the road to Pleasanton. Luckily, it turned into beautiful with dramatic clouds. I didn't manage time well for my painting, some areas I had to leave them. Ran to the Firehouse Art Center. Stephen did a great demo, also his English was clear and easy to me to understand. But I heard my tummy was grumbling at the demo, realized that I didn't have lunch again. Haha, Chinese New Year is coming, there is plenty delicious food to enjoy then...

Meadowlark was the first certified dairy in California founded in early 1900's. The dairy has been a drive-though since it opened in July 1969...  (January 22 2022)

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