Figure study in oil @ a local community center CA 人體油畫練習

2020 Day30

Strada easel thirty one day painting challenge is almost ended. I have gone through and made my own process. Really there is so much to learn in the rest of my life.
Today I was a little bit "ambitious" for my #30 work started at day 1 this year, brought a used panel 20"x16". Feeling the time was chasing me for three hours, all my concentration and energy cost had made me sweat in winter, I couldn't believe it. But I didn't have time to stop, till the end, I was exhausted... I didn't manage my time well, won't be able to get to the point I could take a break. Many corrections, I have to wait for next section later.

Original Art Story

A female model's first sitting

Plein Air @ Santa Clara University Santa Clara CA

Six hours study with the same sitter

Sketching @ Apple Park Cupertino CA

Live study of a young model in a red dress

Portrait and figurative studies of a model

Plein Air @ Mission San José Fremont CA 加州風景寫生

Capitola Plein Air 8th Annual Art Festival 2023

Plein Air @ Ed Levin County Park, Milpitas CA

Plein Air @ Downtown Campbell Light Rail Station CA