Plein air @ Emma Prusch Farm Park, San Jose, CA. 加州风景油畫寫生

Switching to oil 12"x12".  Beautiful and warm after days of rain. There were many free range chicken, who were huge and friendly. They knew they could get food from people I believe. No food from me today. First time plein air at Emma Prusch Farm Park, San Jose, CA, and the first time I painted out in oil, I had to concentrate. Still they were cute, I took some photos for future painting project😊.

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Original Art Story

A female model's first sitting

Plein Air @ Santa Clara University Santa Clara CA

Six hours study with the same sitter

Sketching @ Apple Park Cupertino CA

Live study of a young model in a red dress

Plein Air @ Mission San José Fremont CA 加州風景寫生

Portrait and figurative studies of a model

Plein Air @ Ed Levin County Park, Milpitas CA

Plein Air @ Chris' Farm in Campbell CA 加州風景寫生

Plein Air @ Home on a Rainy Day CA