Seven Daffodils"七株水仙花" - Painting with Auspicious Symbols VIII

"Seven Daffodils"was one of the few English songs I heard back when I still lived in China. I really enjoyed listening to it and dreamed about it... Now, I just finished this original oil painting on canvas for sale, 36"x24"x1.5, ©xueling zou.

(Please click the image to enlarge)

Daffodils bloom in spring time, come in a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes of flowers and are always surprising me, though they look very simple. The question was which type I should choose for creating the painting, I did research online, the results came out in countless numbers. Well, I decided to focus on creativity. Hope you will like this original painting in the impressionist style to express the feeling on a beautiful Easter morning...

In China, we celebrate the Lunar New Year by displaying auspicious symbols. Daffodils, also water narcissus (水仙花) are one of the most popular flowers important for representing prosperity in Chinese New Year. We believed that if the white water narcissus blossoms during the Chinese Lunar New Year, they could bring good luck and fortune for the whole year. So these plants become as part of the Chinese New Year decorations at home and offices.

This is the lyric of "Seven Daffodils", and the link of the song
This painting was inspired by an folk song "Seven Daffodils"

Seven Daffodils - The Brothers Four

I may not have mansion, I haven't any land
Not even a paper dollar to crinkle in my hands
But I can show you morning on a thousand hills
And kiss you and give you seven daffodils.

I do not have a fortune to buy you pretty things
But I can weave you moonbeams for necklaces and rings
And I can show you morning on a thousand hills
And kiss you and give you seven daffodils.

Oh, seven golden daffodils all shining in the sun
To light our way to evening when our day is done
And I will give music and a crust of bread
And a pillow of piny boughs to rest your head.

A pillow of piny boughs to rest your head...

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