Happy Halloween - Enjoy Creating Digital Art

"It's said that All Hallows' Eve is one of the nights when the veil between the worlds is thin - and whether you believe in such things or not, those roaming spirits probably believe in you, or at least acknowledge your existence, considering that it used to be their own. Even the air feels different on Halloween, autumn-crisp and bright." - Erin Morgenstern

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The following image I was inspired by "Thriller" - one of Michael Jackson's most popular songs. This piece won the 1st place in Contest - Halloween on June 24th, 2013. http://fineartamerica.com/contests/1-halloween-.html?tab=leaderboard

(Please click the image to enlarge)

I really had fun time using my own photos to create these Halloween images by using Adobe Photoshop.  Wish we all have enough time to thin the veil between the creative expression and our imagination world...

(Please click the image to enlarge)

Original Art Story

Original Art Story - The Colors of La Boca Argentina

The Old Man and The Sea - Original Watercolor

Work in Progress, live models studies - long and short pose

Paintings with Auspicious Symbols II - Chrysanthemum and Frog

Short-pose live male model drawings

3 hours session live model study in oil - work in progress

Short pose live female model study

Paintings with Auspicious Symbols V - Peacocks 孔雀東南飛

Short-pose live male model drawings

A White Peacock - 一只白孔雀