
Showing posts with the label outdoors

Plein Air @ Billy Jones Wildcat Railroad Los Gatos CA

My first time going to this park next to Vasona Lake County Park.  Nice fall afternoon with warm sunshine.  My artist friend guided me to this lovely spot with a railway racks in front of the old buildings.  Instantly a huge "wildcat" moving on the roof scared me.  Haha, there was Halloween decoration for the kids.  We set up our equipment and started to paint.  It was a quiet park, some people walking around, some of them took their dogs.  They gave us some compliments.  After our work was done, walked around and found several paintable spots for coming back to do more paintings.  (October 27 2022)

Plein Air @ Downtown Niles Fremont CA

Gorgeous day for outdoor paintings. While I was drawing, a train was running on the railway, I took short video. I didn't know how many cars the train carried, but it ran at least ten minutes long. Struggling with the layout, and the details of the historic train I was painting. Came home I realized that I didn't need that much. Just cropped it, and it looked much better. And would you believe, I found some charming artwork in the public bathroom. Several years ago I went to this historic charming town for Plein Air. Walked around and found a good spot to set up my painting station, then found out I didn't bring any paper at all. LOL, had to go home... (October 24 2022)

Plein Air trip @ Garrapata State Park, Yankee Point in Camel

Gorgeous day in Carmel, we decided to paint the narrow road scene on the hill behind the Highland Inn where we stayed for two nights. It was just across the narrow road off the the parking lot of the hotel.  Afternoon light shone on a white house hiding deep into all the trees looked intriguing.  We wanted to paint it since our last trip. Set up our easels, straight away working on the painting.  A young woman came and told us that we were on her property, the little parking area off the narrow road.  And also she said that she would call the hotel and come out to check us too we left, then did the rest of our 1st paintings inside our room, lol...  Wednesday morning we got up late, and went to Garrapata State Park.  Immediately I saw the sign of MPAPA's sign, so I knew that the local Plein Air painters were painting in  the park.   I saw Teresa first, she was from the South Bay area like us.  She was working on a beautiful pastel piece.  After chatting with her,  we then saw

Plein Air @ Elizabeth Gamble Garden Palo Alto CA

It is such a beautiful home and garden to visit. We came often whenever we passed by. Hadn't visited it for a long time, probably since pandemic. I always wanted to paint here too, though it was challenging, no matter how much I love plants, my reaction to pollen can bother me for days. Never mind, I told myself that I had to go. Surprisingly, there was no parking left in the morning, so I parked my car in the street. And saw many volunteers working in the garden. Most of they looked like seniors. It was not easy to find a subject to paint. So much variety, encompassing herb & rose gardens, a historic home, a carriage house & a tearoom... I walked around it twice, almost decided to paint the tearoom, because it was my first time seeing the door open, but I was fascinated by the gorgeous lotus glowing leaves in the water fountain under the morning sunlight. Immediately, I set up my workstation and started to draw. A small bird accompanied me less than ten feet away while I

Plein Air @ Edenvale Gardens Regional Park San Jose CA

Followed Google maps, I didn't remember how many turns required to drive to this location. I didn't even know such a huge, historic mansion existed. My first time to come here and paint. I found a shady spot and set up my gear. It took me much longer to draw. Besides, walked into the building to use the restroom, I decided to come back to check out the rest of the  interesting parts of the Architecture and the park. It was so nice to see several other Plein Air artists I hadn't seen for a long time.. We shared our ideas about the paintings we did or had mostly finished. (August 22 2022)

Plein Air @ Portola Vineyards Portola Valley CA 加州風景寫生

Went to Portola Vineyard, my car GPS still directed me to the wrong spot, had to make a three-point turn on such a narrow road. Glad that I went there and met several other artists. Except for one artist who was at the Alameda Plein Air Paint Out last week, the others I hadn't seen for a long time. My subject was the pool house, because the grape vines have not changed colors yet. It was nice to see other artists, and make a little progress as well, though I felt burnt out after Alameda Plein Air event. (August 10 2022)

Quick studies before the Annual Alameda Plein Air Evert

Redwood City Port seems like a perfect location for practicing painting on a windy day. A year ago I painted at the location a couple of times. It was windy in the afternoon. I found a short tree to paint under to block a little wind. Took me almost an hour to finish the drawing. I tried to paint the kayak, but it was removed from the people working there. Lucky I had my reference photo. Not sure why I love painting fishing boats Later the owner of the boat next to it came to me, he took a photo and wanted me to paint his boat someday... Rushed to the drawing class...(July 26 2022) I have to get ready for the Annual Alameda Plein Air event, so I drove to the Campbell Community Center to practice, but I didn't know what to paint. Walked around and saw the Campbell Pool, then I knew it would be a good subject to practice. Found a corner and set up my stuff. For the composition purposes, I had to "move" and "reset" several little details. It wasn't a

Plein Air @ Downtown of Half Moon Bay and Moss Beach

My terrible memory put a Plein Air exhibit organized by local Chinese artists group. I went to see the opening at their show, many great works of eight artists. I didn't want to miss the chance to Plein Air with them. I was well prepared from a hot summer place to be in a winter climate, though it was only 40 plus miles away at the Moss Beach. My car needed to be charged in Downtown Half Moon Bay, because there was no other charging stations nearby. I did my first painting there with my down jacket on. Didn't realized that it was getting crowed around noon, it was an empty town in the morning when I arrived. My painting got many compliment by the passengers. Prefect time, my work was done and my car was charged. It was a gray day, and drove several miles to the Moss Beach. My first time to be the location, and ate a little snacks in my car. I could tell the temperature was just like winter outside, and had my light wind blocker on, pull my gear up to the hill to meet ot

Plein Air @ Red Barn La Honda Open Space Preserve CA

Today I was supposed to meet up and paint with other artists near the La Honda Open Space Preserve parking lot #22. But there were several road work construction projects on the way, not mention it was a narrow curvy road, and bike people were on the same road too. Not sure if the Google map or my car GPS wasn't clear on the directions, but I got lost many times before around #280 and in the mountains etc. not today. I knew I was late, so I decided to paint at a red barn that was on the way, which I wanted to paint it for years. Painted under my hatchback for a little bit shade, looked through the fence to the red barn, I was a little bit short to see the whole scene. And discover a died dead deer's body, poor thing, felt sorry about it... Weather was 10 degree cooler, about 70. I've painted many barns, today I painted it smaller and focused on the landscape instead of architecture. Though I didn't meet the others, I was peacefully painting alone by using a high

Plein Air @ Los Gatos Creek County Park CA

It was a hot day for Plein Air at the location. There were many geese around while were painting. Good practice in such a hot weather condition, glad that I did it though. I finished mine very quick and watched  the geese and other artist painting. (July 11 2022)

Plein Air @ Carmelite Monastery Santa Clara CA

Painted Plein Air for the first time in a while, I really missed it. Today I went to Carmelite Monastery Santa Clara CA to paint this church building, which has been on my mind for a long time. It was a peaceful place, only saw a few people, including a nun who walked into the church from the side door. Drawing the architecture took me for a while, then painted the clouds with care. Because we don't usually have clouds besides during winter. Not much light and contrast. Then spent a lot of time for the details on the building. After that I realized that the details were too small and there wasn't any reason to include them in my Plein air work. Church bell rang twice during the time I painted there, it brought a lot peace. Hope it expends to the whole world....

Plei air @ California Coast Along Cabrillo Hway #1

From May 18 to 20, plein air on the California Coast along Cabrillo Hway #1.  The first day was beautiful, we drove to Point Lobos State Natural reserve about 10 am.  There was not a parking spot left, so we couldn't get in.  Instead we painted along the Cabrillo Hway #1.  Nice view but it was noisy.  Afternoon, painted on the hill, I found a further view of a house on the rock through the "window" of a big tree. We learned our lesson, drove into the park earlier the next morning.  Felt ambitious and brought our gear and set up near the Bird Island Trail near China Cove.  It was beautiful but too windy, had to pack the gear up, and felt "defeated in battle".  A photography couple we met on the trail told us that they could not get into the park yesterday too.  So they came in earlier this morning just like us. Then we painted at the bottom of China Cove because it was less windy, at the most popular Sand Hill Cove parking lot, overlooked the lonely tree on top o

Plein Air @ Alameda and studio visiting of Nancy Crookston

I canceled my dental appointment, and drove 40 miles to paint with my Chinese artist friends.  Several of them are professionally trained fine art teachers, who used to teach fine art at universities in China. Early morning I drove to the Park St bridge location and painted there.  It was my first time painting at the location.  Several other artists came.  They checked out two different locations before painting.  I realized the scene was a little complicated, so I tried to simplify it. Lan, one of female artist that lives in Alameda, she prepared a delicious lunch for us, some of us contributed some food as well.  I didn't know that there was a critique time.  My watercolor painting was next to the other artists, especially the master painters.  They were all very nice give me enough encouragement and professional advice. After lunch at Lan house on the Bay Farm Island, some of us decided to paint nearby.  But we were invited to visit Nancy's studio after four.  Less than two

Plein Air trip @ Carmel by the sea, CA

Four-day-trip, it wasn't long, especially when we painted at the one of most beautiful places, Point Lobos State Natural Reserve. Three artist friends together, we made progress from May 3 to May 6. It was a nice and clear afternoon when we checked in Hyatt Carmel Highlands - Hyatt Inn.  There was an amazing sunset view overlooking Big Sur Coast from our room every dawn.  Bought enough food from Safe Way.  We cooked and ate branches, and late dinners, went out painting about six hours each day.     Weather was unpredictable, it changes dramatically all the time, from warm sunny to windy foggy in one hour.   First day wasn't easy, didn't know how to handle the fast changes.  Then started to learn and improved...  I did two watercolor paintings, one sketch on the first day. After dinner, one of the artists suggested painted another still life after I arranged our food on the table. Next day, we painted at Garrapata State Park. The rest of time we stayed at Point Lobos and we