Sketching @ Sikh Gurdwara San Jose CA

Went to the beautiful Sikh Gurdwara located in South San Jose. My second time going there, not for Plein Air, this time I wanted to try drawing people indoors.

The kitchen opened and served food when I arrived. I wore my black hat with a scarf over my head and shoulders.  Found a carpet to sit down on, where I could a better view of other people, mostly Indian I think.  

I haven't practiced drawing people with clothes on for a long time, had noticed that Indian clothes were harder for me to draw since I never wear them, have no clue how everything connects on the body.

And drawing professional models no matter for 2 minutes, 5 minutes or longer, they are trained not move.  But those people came to kitchen for food and socializing.  They moved their the hands, bodies, heads all the time, and never stop.  

I had to draw them by memorizing.  Lucky I brought my favorite brush pen, it helped me draw better after I found it in my bag.

A guy came out of kitchen and asked me what I was doing.  He was very friendly and left after he saw my drawings.  Later he introduced his friends and let me draw them.  It was very challenging, no one stayed still.

Great way to practice, people were kind and asked to come back when I was leaving.  Peace to all!
(May 15 2023) 

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Original Art Story

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