Plein Air, portrait study, live model drawings on Tomb Sweeping Day

April 5 happened to be Tomb Sweeping Day on the Chinese Calendar. In our culture, people usually go to visit their ancestors' tomb with flowers and clean off the dust. No one can get visas to travel home, and our visas were no longer valid in China because of COVID 19. I haven't visited my in family almost three years.
I decided to paint at Hakone Gardens Japanese Garden in Saratoga.  There were many cars already parked at the entry to the place next to the Big Basin Way.  Quickly I parked my car at the last available space, because there was limited parking near by the entrance. My instinct was right, but I had to roll my painting stuff up the hill to the entrance.  My legs felt sore and I felt short of breath for walking up there with all my painting stuff.  There were so many people, more than 95% of them were Asian, I guessed that it was free day, and many people could not go to sweep their ancestors' tombs.  Not sure how my ancestors thought about me and rest of overseas Chinese gathering in the garden, not going to sweep their tombs.  I did a quick study by using my Chinese brush mainly.  Many people passed by and gave me some compliments.  One Caucasian lady told me that she was painting there whole day.  And one Chinese lady she watched me painting for a long time, even came back twice, and asked me what kind of easel etc.  Some people asked if I was OK for them to take photos, another Chinese lady didn't even bother to ask for permission and took at least ten minutes video...  I had to rush to finish my work, drove home to eat my lunch, and prepare stuff for the rest of day's drop in classes.

During the first of this portrait session on March 29, one of my favorite models came back today. After my sketch was done, I realized that my two major colors I have been using for duotone practice were missing. I had to choose two different colors from a similar family. Surprised it worked together brighter and better. Sometimes our mistakes or forgetfulness can lead us an interesting results, hope it always is a good one.

Only a few minutes late, but my painting spot from last week was blocked by another artist.  I really wanted to continue my unfinished portrait.  Nicely one of the artists moved a little bit, so I was able to see the model in between.  Did not need much correction on her face, I was struggling for her hands.  Because her pose had changed, I tried very hard to correct both her hands from part of my last week's work, it was super difficult.  Bill brought a nice hand drawing on his smart phone to inspire me.  I failed, the hands still looked very "uncomfortable "when the session was over.

Brought a little snack, chatted with another artist on an outdoor bench under a blossoming tree.  Evening live model short pose was challenging and interesting.  I enjoyed it, the model was very professional, her poses were inspiring.  
I was super-tired after such a long day.  It was 9:40 pm when I arrived home, and I had to check out my social media, did a little self-promotion....
(April 5 2022)

Original Art Story

Original Art Story - The Colors of La Boca Argentina

The Old Man and The Sea - Original Watercolor

Work in Progress, live models studies - long and short pose

Paintings with Auspicious Symbols II - Chrysanthemum and Frog

Short-pose live male model drawings

3 hours session live model study in oil - work in progress

Short pose live female model study

Paintings with Auspicious Symbols V - Peacocks 孔雀東南飛

Short-pose live male model drawings

A White Peacock - 一只白孔雀