Plein Air @ The Downtown of Sunnyvale CA 加州風景寫生

Usually painting at the studio, but there was an appointment with my new dentist. Called to confirm the address, and they moved the appointed to the next Tuesday. Went to downtown Sunnyvale to find some painting ideas. Ended up I painted Off The Rails Brewing Co. for Fresh Local Craft Beer & Food nearby the train station. (April 19 2022)

Original Art Story

A female model's first sitting

Plein Air @ Santa Clara University Santa Clara CA

Six hours study with the same sitter

Sketching @ Apple Park Cupertino CA

Live study of a young model in a red dress

Plein Air @ Mission San José Fremont CA 加州風景寫生

Portrait and figurative studies of a model

Plein Air @ Ed Levin County Park, Milpitas CA

Plein Air @ Downtown Campbell Light Rail Station CA

Capitola Plein Air 8th Annual Art Festival 2023