Plein Air @ Lands End San Francisco CA

It was very gray and only 60 degrees at the location this morning, my first time painting here. Looking for a public restroom, surprisingly met another Plein Air painter L X (my name's short cut as XL, haha... what a coincidence) So we painted nearby each other. Then hiked after our paintings were done and happily caught up on the time since COVID-19... Very foggy, walked the rocky and windswept shoreline trail,  could not even see the Golden Gate Bridge, but there was a spectacular scene each turn of the trail even on such a gray day.  Definitely will be back and paint again. What an inspirational place! 
On the way back, got caught up in a little traffic, and it was 93 degrees at home.  (September 7 2021)

Original Art Story

Original Art Story - The Colors of La Boca Argentina

Paintings with Auspicious Symbols V - Peacocks 孔雀東南飛

The Old Man and The Sea - Original Watercolor

Short-pose live male model drawings

Short-pose live male model drawings

Work in Progress, live models studies - long and short pose

Short pose live female model study

Plein Air @ Municipal Rose Garden San Jose CA 加州風景寫生

Plein Air trip @ Carmel by the sea, CA

A White Peacock - 一只白孔雀