Plein Air @ Agnews Historic Park Santa Clara CA 加州風景寫生

Planned to paint at Alviso. Suddenly I saw this park while driving to the location, so I made a u-turn and instead painted at this historic park. It was a hot day, so I painted in the shade under a big tree. There are many big trees in the park. I have been noticing that there is no way to run out of painting ideas, just so many subjects and I could barely get enough time to practice them all. Of course, to just keep doing it is most important. The power of an artist is that you can see things from a different perspective, create something new or unusual, or even move things around those are impossible to move to a different locations in the painting. I often "move" mountains, the ocean, or buildings, trees, etc,... Today I "moved" trees in a little different location for my composition layout and even brought a dead palm tree back to life.

Came home and searched for but couldn't find any history about this park. Wonder why it is called "historic" then?

Original Art Story

Paintings with Auspicious Symbols V - Peacocks 孔雀東南飛

Original Art Story - The Colors of La Boca Argentina

Short-pose live male model drawings

Short-pose live male model drawings

Chinese Moon Festival II - A Classical Poem and Homesick 中秋节思乡

Plein Air @ Allied Arts Guild Menlo Park CA

Lady from Bangladesh

Plein Air @ Alviso Marina County Park San Jose CA

The Old Man and The Sea - Original Watercolor

Plein Air @ Jose Higuera Adobe Park Milpitas CA