Plein Air @ Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum San Jose CA 加州風景寫生

Beautiful day, but a little bit hot, typical Indian summer. Passed by this museum countless times, I never thought that it would be an interesting place to paint. The architecture and landscape design definitely transports visitors to a foreign country. Walked around and took some reference pictures, I kept asking myself why I didn't come here to paint before. After while I found an unusual spot I really wanted to paint. A person came to me and told me that he was going to do a maintenance cleaning job inside and out exactly where I was. Finally, I sit down to paint in the shade. When I did washes on paper, I tried to remember I should control not over do it. Nice place, will be back some day for sure! ----  09/12/2019

Does anyone know what this architecture is for?
The morning light and shadows from the skylight and the windows inside this building shone geometric shapes on the floor and pillars that were unique and interesting. I had to push myself standing at the end against the wall, still not enough distance to get a better view. Plein air is challenging, even in such a perfect weather condition, there are always new things to consider and learn about. I didn't want to miss what I saw, there was no time to do a small sketch. didn't want to draw and paint the details of the pillars (no patience). Not an easy subject for sure. Confused myself if I did it right or not. Maybe should go back to paint another one.
Last September I came to paint. After walking around twice, I set up inside this building at the same spot, but there was some maintain going on, I had to move out and painted at the other area.
Tomorrow is Chinese Mooncakes Festival, not sure when could go home to visit? ---- 9/30/2020

Original Art Story

A female model's first sitting

Plein Air @ Santa Clara University Santa Clara CA

Six hours study with the same sitter

Sketching @ Apple Park Cupertino CA

Live study of a young model in a red dress

Portrait and figurative studies of a model

Plein Air @ Mission San José Fremont CA 加州風景寫生

Plein Air @ Ed Levin County Park, Milpitas CA

Plein Air @ Downtown Campbell Light Rail Station CA

Capitola Plein Air 8th Annual Art Festival 2023