Plein Air @ Downtown Los Gatos City CA 加州風景寫生

It wasn't a smooth day for sure. Sunny and 65 degrees, perfect for painting outdoors today. I was a little bit behind to start such a lovely day. Trusted Google maps, thought that it could help me to get the location quicker, though I knew the place. Who knew Google maps had directed me to the highway, really not necessary, and added 5 miles more to my trip. After arrived, I tried to find a parking spot, couldn't believe that it took me a while to park my car in the normally tranquil parking lot in the morning. Then I tried to find the local public bathroom which was locked, and most of the restaurants were not opened yet. I dragged my painting stuff across the road, suddenly I fell in middle of the street, hard to get up because I fell in an unusual position. Luckily there was not many cars at that moment. Two ladies came and asked me kindly if I was OK. One was a shopper, the other one worked for a just opened shop along side the road. I thanked them and told them that I actually was looking for a bathroom, got frustrated. The shop assistant lent her key to me to use their bathroom. Walked around and dragged my stuff, I felt a twisted pain inside my right wrist, nothing too serious, but enough to bother me to do things. So I decided not to go too far, finally painted outside of William Sonoma. The light and shadow contrast was beautiful. But I didn't have the strength for holding a pen nor a brush as usual, my right hand was shaking... Well, I know that I could do it if I really focused, so I did it!

Original Art Story

Paintings with Auspicious Symbols V - Peacocks 孔雀東南飛

Original Art Story - The Colors of La Boca Argentina

Short-pose live male model drawings

Short-pose live male model drawings

The Old Man and The Sea - Original Watercolor

Chinese Moon Festival II - A Classical Poem and Homesick 中秋节思乡

Plein Air @ Allied Arts Guild Menlo Park CA

The Sound of Silence

Lady from Bangladesh

Plein Air @ Alviso Marina County Park San Jose CA