Lucky Being Born in Autumn幸运出生在秋季

Wine tasting is always an excitement for my husband, so he signed up for one with his company. Any alcohol makes me feel extremely thirsty, I am not as huge a fan as him, so, it is not a big deal to me.  I'd rather enjoy and always am inspired by nature!  It was only Wednesday, usually he works long hours. But today's event made both us in a very light mood.

Byington is a family-owned winery, located in the Santa Cruz Mountains in the South Bay, California, only about 30 minutes drive from Silicon Valley where we live, if there is no traffic. There are 95-acres of estate owned by the Byington family, and it is the home of their Italian-style chateau winery and vineyard operation.

While my husband enjoyed the wine tasting with his co-workers, I had a tranquil moment walking up the rolling hills between the rows of grapes and taking footage by myself, far away from the noise and busy life.

What a perfect day in autumn visiting a winery, with a wonderful dry but breezy California weather. The early afternoon sun was still hot and shone on me, especially walking on the soft dirt and yet green grass during a week day, surrounded by some of the leaves turned red and yellow, some leftover grapes hanging on the lush vines still. Over-ripe grapes smelt making me feel drunk already, birds flying in the hills, singing shortly once in a while above me, bees were so busy - buzzed and sucked away the last sweetness from the half dried grapes, crickets sounded at a distance... mountains in layers... at this moment, I am alone but my heart was so connected with the mother-earth, I finally have found my inner peace...

Autumn is it what I can't forget, because I was born in the season. I look forward and see myself looking back... Tomorrow is my birthday, and I have never felt that I am so thankful and my life is so beautiful. I knew that my mother was traveling, I could not reach her now. Though, I do want to share about everything in my life till today, and at this moment I finally I have realized that I am so lucky being born during autumn, this harvest season, with the richest and the warmest colors all over, this perfect whether, there was no hungry creature right now, what a perfect world... I should tell her how I felt at that moment, thank her for giving birth to me. I should let her know how lucky I feel about my life, which I went through with no smooth ride about my father suddenly left us in an accident when I was only ten, all my thoughts I haven't told her but now I would love to share with her...

I wrote it yesterday.  Please view more wine country photography at my Vineyard Gallery:

Original Art Story

The Old Man and The Sea - Original Watercolor

Original Art Story - The Colors of La Boca Argentina

Paintings with Auspicious Symbols V - Peacocks 孔雀東南飛

Short-pose live male model drawings

Work in Progress, live models studies - long and short pose

Short-pose live male model drawings

Short pose live female model study

Plein Air @ Municipal Rose Garden San Jose CA 加州風景寫生

Plein Air trip @ Carmel by the sea, CA

A White Peacock - 一只白孔雀