
Showing posts with the label city

Plein Air @ Twin Pines Park Belmont CA

My first time to this location delivering two of my Plein Air painting for the up coming POP group exhibit at the Manor house "Twin Pine Art Center", Our reception will held from 2 pm to 4 pm on October 9.Nice to see our organizer and the other artists. We instantly became volunteers, helping move our paintings from one room to the other. There were several shows of local artists', I checked them out upstairs and downstairs. Julia and I painted in the park. There was a memorial service at the lodge. We guessed that the people might be from Hawaii, because we could hear the music. There was a huge tree in front of the lodge, so it became my subject to work on.  Julia painted near the creek. Seems that summer isn't over yet with all the heat we felt. Caught up a little bit with her after our work was done. Unbelievable it was the last day to September. (September 30 2022)

Plein Air @ Downtown of Half Moon Bay and Moss Beach

My terrible memory put a Plein Air exhibit organized by local Chinese artists group. I went to see the opening at their show, many great works of eight artists. I didn't want to miss the chance to Plein Air with them. I was well prepared from a hot summer place to be in a winter climate, though it was only 40 plus miles away at the Moss Beach. My car needed to be charged in Downtown Half Moon Bay, because there was no other charging stations nearby. I did my first painting there with my down jacket on. Didn't realized that it was getting crowed around noon, it was an empty town in the morning when I arrived. My painting got many compliment by the passengers. Prefect time, my work was done and my car was charged. It was a gray day, and drove several miles to the Moss Beach. My first time to be the location, and ate a little snacks in my car. I could tell the temperature was just like winter outside, and had my light wind blocker on, pull my gear up to the hill to meet ot

Plein Air @ Mission Branch Library City of Santa Clara CA 加州風景寫生

After the Memorial day long weekend, I planned to paint at Pescadero, but it did not happen. Came to the Mission Branch Library in Santa Clara. Remembered that I painted here in the afternoon last winter and pulled out the old photo. Today I painted this scene from a 90 degree different angle, and in the shade of the morning. I was totally in the sun so soon, before I even finished my drawing. Kept moving to my left side, wondered if I would bother the residents inside the building. Instead, a couple of young guys came out and gave me a few compliments. I think  they study at Santa Clara University. Practiced not overdoing the painting and made sure my work looked painterly and loose. ( June 1 2021 ) November 30 2020, Plein Air  @ Mission Branch Library City of Santa Clara CA

Plein Air @ Botanical Garden San Francisco CA 加州風景寫生

What a glorious fall day in San Francisco! Just couldn't believe that Google map guided me near the location, still took me a while to find the gate and a parking spot. Not sure why there was no botanical garden in my car GPS, got frustrated in the morning over that. Instantly I wanted to paint this colorful tree near the pond. The tree wasn't a simple subject to me, and English is my second language. I overheard that people talking about coyotes while I was struggling on my work, I didn't stop and continued using my visual brain on the painting. Suddenly, I realized that a couple of visitors were talking to me while passing by. I stopped and saw a well fed huge coyote walking behind me about fifteen to twenty feet away (about 7 meters). He walked like in his own backyard... After painting done, met a several Plein Air artists, they said that the coyote was howling to the fire engine this morning. I guess this botanical garden really has become his territory.

Plein Air @ Santana Row, San Jose, CA. 加州風景水彩畫寫生

"When you follow the dream in your heart, you’re energized, inspired, and motivated.” Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 – 1882 American essayist, lecturer, and poet). It was quiet this morning. Not many people passing by. Later getting busier, many trucks stopped to deliver to shops. Wow, it was so warm, about 78 degrees. I finished drinking a whole bottle of water, it reminded me that I really need more water in summer. Again, there was no light on the wall when I started painting. Tiring day from the heat I guess. Santana Row is not only a residential area, also it is a commercial district, full of designer brand shops, bars and restaurants. I used to be a city girl, enjoyed the city life and activities because I was born and raised in one of the oldest cities, Beijing. California life style or maybe living in Silicon Valley, has changed me so much, outdoors for nature and shopping online are my regular activities. I have been to Santana Row only a few times. On the other side from