
Showing posts with the label succulents

Plein Air @ Home CA - Garden Still-life Series #7 θŠ±εœ’ιœη‰©ε―«η”Ÿ

Continued raining, continued painting my new series of garden still life. Not many succulents of mine could move inside the house easily, some of them had grown quite large size, some of them in the pots which were already too heavy to carry. For example, I had brought a baby elephant succulent only a couple of inches tall when I just moved to this country, California bay area eighteen years ago. Now it had grown eight or nine feet tall at least. So I moved this small one under the roof for painting in the rain outside. Didn't do the same way painting leaf by leaf. Did I lose my patience, or just being myself?

Plein Air @ Home CA - Garden Still-life Series #6 θŠ±εœ’ιœη‰©ε―«η”Ÿ

Raining again. Brought another potted succulent inside from my garden, left a piece of baby crab shell I had found on the beach next to it, and painted another still life.  I never thought that I could paint a still life, it really challenged my patience. Most of my previous still life paintings were from my memories or imagination. During the recent practice, I started to like painting still life, especially while listening to music on a rainy winter day. Just not sure if it will be the direction for my future paintings. What do you think?