
Showing posts with the label farm

Plein Air @ The Red Barn Farm Morgan Hill CA 加州風景寫生

There was an old beautiful red barn located on Tennant Avenue, Morgan Hill. My first time painting at the location. it was over 80 degrees I believe, standing next to a mint field, smelt the fragrance of the herb, felt I was overdressed. Also the Red Barn was too big and too close to paint. After I did the first painting, I started drawing a couple of Mexican working guys collecting mints in the field through the broken plastic greenhouse window. Suddenly, they had all gone, It was noon already their lunch break. So I painted a tractor in front of the distant hills. I'm not going to share that painting here though. (Updating from September 17, 2018)

Plein Air @ Rose Barn Morgan Hill CA 加州風景油畫寫生

"It’s all about the journey, not the outcome." – Carl Lewis There is something in the Olympics, indefinable, springing from the soul, inspires all of us for centuries. We watch the games not because who win the medals. It is about before the dreams brought into reality through ones consistent effort, determination, dedication, and self-discipline/motivation. Especially during the Winter Olympics, there were many of tearful stories behind each champions... Believe it or not, being an artist I feel the same. Like today, it was cold and windy this morning. No one says that I have to go out painting in a cold day. But I know I must do it. No matter the result, I think it is my journey to experience and share. It was warm 78 degree from last week, suddenly it dropped down back to 40's, it was only 57 degree at noon today. Yes, I did it again! More original artwork @

Plein air @ Emma Prusch Farm Park, San Jose, CA. 加州风景油畫寫生

Switching to oil 12"x12".  Beautiful and warm after days of rain. There were many free range chicken, who were huge and friendly. They knew they could get food from people I believe. No food from me today. First time plein air at Emma Prusch Farm Park, San Jose, CA, and the first time I painted out in oil, I had to concentrate. Still they were cute, I took some photos for future painting project😊. I'm on, welcome to follow@ Please visit my website for more original art @

White House In An Oak Grove

Happy weekend :)! I saw the big Red Moon last night through the windows, did you? "White House In An Oak Grove", original oil on canvas panel, was a landscape oil painting newly finished. The reason I painted it was just because the longer I've lived in California, the more I prefer spending a couple days in the countryside during weekend. It seemed that white house was my dream place to escape from the surrounding high tech. I just wanted to smell the fresh air, enjoy hiking or sight-seeing, get inspiring from the nature, a few good friends visits, have some delicious food together, no need TV, internet or computer, maybe I should turn off my smart phone! But I realized, I already get used to taking photos from my phone, hahaha... What is your favorite thing(s) to do during your weekend? Have you written it down, drawn or painted it on a piece of paper/canvas yet???

Snow, snow and more...

I just want to share my landscape paintings of snow in watercolor, hope the beauty of snow brings you fond memories...