
Showing posts with the label artists

Plein Air @ Downtown of Half Moon Bay and Moss Beach

My terrible memory put a Plein Air exhibit organized by local Chinese artists group. I went to see the opening at their show, many great works of eight artists. I didn't want to miss the chance to Plein Air with them. I was well prepared from a hot summer place to be in a winter climate, though it was only 40 plus miles away at the Moss Beach. My car needed to be charged in Downtown Half Moon Bay, because there was no other charging stations nearby. I did my first painting there with my down jacket on. Didn't realized that it was getting crowed around noon, it was an empty town in the morning when I arrived. My painting got many compliment by the passengers. Prefect time, my work was done and my car was charged. It was a gray day, and drove several miles to the Moss Beach. My first time to be the location, and ate a little snacks in my car. I could tell the temperature was just like winter outside, and had my light wind blocker on, pull my gear up to the hill to meet ot

Plei air @ California Coast Along Cabrillo Hway #1

From May 18 to 20, plein air on the California Coast along Cabrillo Hway #1.  The first day was beautiful, we drove to Point Lobos State Natural reserve about 10 am.  There was not a parking spot left, so we couldn't get in.  Instead we painted along the Cabrillo Hway #1.  Nice view but it was noisy.  Afternoon, painted on the hill, I found a further view of a house on the rock through the "window" of a big tree. We learned our lesson, drove into the park earlier the next morning.  Felt ambitious and brought our gear and set up near the Bird Island Trail near China Cove.  It was beautiful but too windy, had to pack the gear up, and felt "defeated in battle".  A photography couple we met on the trail told us that they could not get into the park yesterday too.  So they came in earlier this morning just like us. Then we painted at the bottom of China Cove because it was less windy, at the most popular Sand Hill Cove parking lot, overlooked the lonely tree on top o

Plein Air @ Alameda and studio visiting of Nancy Crookston

I canceled my dental appointment, and drove 40 miles to paint with my Chinese artist friends.  Several of them are professionally trained fine art teachers, who used to teach fine art at universities in China. Early morning I drove to the Park St bridge location and painted there.  It was my first time painting at the location.  Several other artists came.  They checked out two different locations before painting.  I realized the scene was a little complicated, so I tried to simplify it. Lan, one of female artist that lives in Alameda, she prepared a delicious lunch for us, some of us contributed some food as well.  I didn't know that there was a critique time.  My watercolor painting was next to the other artists, especially the master painters.  They were all very nice give me enough encouragement and professional advice. After lunch at Lan house on the Bay Farm Island, some of us decided to paint nearby.  But we were invited to visit Nancy's studio after four.  Less than two

Plein Air trip @ Carmel by the sea, CA

Four-day-trip, it wasn't long, especially when we painted at the one of most beautiful places, Point Lobos State Natural Reserve. Three artist friends together, we made progress from May 3 to May 6. It was a nice and clear afternoon when we checked in Hyatt Carmel Highlands - Hyatt Inn.  There was an amazing sunset view overlooking Big Sur Coast from our room every dawn.  Bought enough food from Safe Way.  We cooked and ate branches, and late dinners, went out painting about six hours each day.     Weather was unpredictable, it changes dramatically all the time, from warm sunny to windy foggy in one hour.   First day wasn't easy, didn't know how to handle the fast changes.  Then started to learn and improved...  I did two watercolor paintings, one sketch on the first day. After dinner, one of the artists suggested painted another still life after I arranged our food on the table. Next day, we painted at Garrapata State Park. The rest of time we stayed at Point Lobos and we

Plein Air @ Downtown Campbell CA

Three of us artists decided to paint outdoors together.  Followed Google maps, directed me to the Campbell Library, but there wasn't anyone there.  Called the other friends and found out that Google map was incorrect.  So we were behind schedule a little bit.   I saw a guy playing his guitar in front of a coffee shop, asked if he wanted to be our model.  One of us painted him.  Crossed the street to paint the people in front of the coffee shop, including the guy and one of the artists friends, also I could be in shade. I painted in watercolor, the other two painted in oils.  It was a lovely day hanging out, then went to the other artist's studio to check out her work, chatting, eating, learning,  fun afternoon....

Plein Air @ Saratoga Heritage Orchard Saratoga CA 加州風景寫生

Today was a lovely day, especially outdoors, there was no wind and it was gorgeous weather. Met friends and painted together at this nice location. Beautiful yellow mustard plants were already blooming, apricot trees didn't even have buds or leaves. We could see a church in the distance, and we all used our hatchback doors as umbrellas to make shade for painting. The church bell rang once an hour, the peacefulness made me wonder if I were in the countryside somewhere in Europe. Hahaha, miss travelling a lot...(February 10 2022)

New Challenging Portrait study with duotone

One of our Chinese artist masters, Eric Guan, has a studio in Palo Alto. When he wants to paint a model he invites other great painter friends paint with him. Another artist friend, she helps to organize and schedule models for us. We all appreciate the great opportunity of painting together and learning from masters. The other day I took Eric's advice that I should focus on my own style. Because painting with others, it is quite easy to copy each other. Today's model she was young and beautiful. Even though I painted next to Eric, I decided only to use two colors. Three hours painting together, we were all happy with our own results. I know that I have a lot of improvements to make, but I wasn't distracted by other's style. (January 19 2022)

Monday morning minutes face study sketch

One of my favorite drawing exercises is face study. I prefer studying on different people and try to express the character of each one. Most models are trained to not showing emotion, but with people you know or are getting to know express their feelings while they are chatting or talking, that is what I try to catch. Today most of them they were talking about their kitchen tools. In few minutes I tried my best to draw them, challenging and fun! Maybe these are my last drawings in 2021.

2 x 3-hour sessions African American live model portrait study in oil

Last Tuesday's (right) and yesterday's (left) Both were 3-hour session live male model oil studies. The model was kind to pose next to my work last Tuesday. Yesterday I worked with a group of  Chinese professionals. A couple of them were master oil painters. Tried to work on new ideas inspired by them, but it didn't look right... Then we had a party for celebrating the shortest daylight in the evening! (December 21 2021) )

Work in progress - 4 hours session live model portrait study in oil

Always wanted to join this small group of artists to practice on a portrait. Finally I made it before the New Year. The good benefit was to get feedback immediately when each of us got stuck at a certain point. Because we stare too long at our own work. Like today, I could not tell why my painting didn't work the way I painted it. One of the artists told me that the value wasn't correct. So I worked on values, then I saw the improvement. Liked her gesture, but it wasn't in the same position after each break. Painted on an used canvas 12"x16". Upleft was captured outdoors.  (December 20 2021)

Plein Air @ Downtown Campbell CA

Decided to paint the downtown cityscape, went to and painted at the same spot where I painted when I just started Plein Air. Could not find the original image from back then.  Today was a little chilly, but felt warm in sun. I saw a lot of people in the street and some stopped by and gave me more compliments for my painting then I expecting, might be during the holiday season... Good exercise.  It was the first one I did outdoors this month, hopefully it isn't the last one of this year, but it will rain next week. (December 17 2021)

Plein Air @ Chinatown San Francisco CA

There were twenty Chinese artists painting San Francisco Chinatown today, though it was Sunday just after Thanksgiving.  Felt excited to accept the invitation. Drove about hundred miles back forth to Chinatown wasn't a big deal for me.  But it was extremely challenging to find a parking spot.  I knew there were a couple of garages for parking, but it can be difficult for me to find my car afterwards.  Chinatown is not big, but I caught every single traffic light before each turn, had to wait super patiently for the crowds to cross the streets on this Sunday morning.   Finally, I parked my car on one street nearby a Chinese grocery store.  The sign confused me as to whether I could park there or not.  I guessed that was why no one was parked there.  There was an older Chinese guy parking his car behind me.  He looked like a local person and answered my question "It is Sunday, you can park here!" Our organizer told us to start painting about 10:30 AM. It was almost 11 AM.