
Showing posts with the label Rengstorff House

Plein Air @ Rengstorff House Shoreline Park Mountain View CA 加州風景寫生

I did a small sketch  back to a couple of weeks ago when I was at the same location, but didn't bring any watercolor paper. Went back to practice painting this old Victorian style house, the Rengstorff House which was one of the first houses to be built in Mountain View, California in 1867. Spent a lot of time working on the drawing, ended up to find out that I really didn't have to draw all the details on 14"x11" size paper for Plein air painting. But it was good exercise anyway by using very limited colors, besides it was a lovely day being outdoors.  (July 6 2021)

Creating Art is not a quick process...

A gorgeous day, went to Shoreline Park to meet other watercolor artists and paint together. Arrived at the Rengstorff House, there was a graduation party going on. Found a shady spot, set up my work station, then I found out that I didn't bring any watercolor paper. Haha, I was wondering why my gear bag was a slightly lighter in weight this morning.  So, I only completed my sketch.   Came back home and decided to organize my art supplies a little bit, those always occupy so much space.  I needed to find out if I have to buy more materials for Alameda Paintout Event coming up in August.  I would have plenty of  time to order online learning from my previous lessons.  Surprised to see a couple of my very old sketches.  They brought back memories, some of them were the doodles of my commissioned works. One of those I wrote down in "7 2006".  It was hard to believe about fifteen years already.  I still had my job working back then....