
Showing posts with the label loneliness

"I Am Not I" - "我不再是自己"

I am not I. I am this one walking beside me whom I do not see, whom at times I manage to visit, and whom at other times I forget; who remains calm and silent while I talk, and forgives, gently, when I hate, who walks where I am not, who will remain standing when I die. My painting was inspired by the poem of Juan Ramon Jimenez "I Am Not I", translated by Robert Bly. Please view a better image at:

A Dog's Fate - 一条狗的命运

In May 2009, after travelling to the beautiful old city Salta in northern Argentina, we drove to Tilcara, a small pueblo introduced to us in our tour book for its unique architecture! (Please click the image to enlarge) What amazed me was to see so many beautiful homeless dogs there. A young female tourist like us bought a bag of hot dogs to feed them, but they sniffed a second and walked away uninterested. From the eye contact, I realized they were not in need of food at the moment... Every time I see there are so many spoiled dogs, those lonely eyes, expecting only love or a caring family are appearing in my head... Please look into his eyes and see if you get the same message as I did. I thought I should paint him, but I still can not... This was one of those dogs I captured, we were not able to bring them home... Please visit my online gallery of Photography - Animals And People at: