
Plein Air @ Guglielmo Winery Morgan Hill CA 加州風景寫生

It was gray, windy and cold at the location, felt like winter already in the morning. My first time coming here. The vineyard is almost 100 years old since 1925, can you believe it? Painted one 14"x11" and I kept reminding myself to paint loosely. Sun came out, it was getting warmer near noon, then I did a couple of sketches for future projects. (August 27, 2018)

My Lucky Fortune @ Lan Su Chinese Garden Portland OR

Went to beautiful Lan Su Chinese Garden while visiting a friend of mine in Portland , OR during August, 2018. Saw two American women trying to figure out how to pray for Kau Cim fortune telling. So I demonstrated it to them by having this lucky fortune that said, "You have been given talent and skill; those gifts will bring success in life." I brought it home. Hope it is true. (Updating from August, 2018)

Plein Air @ Grand Marina Boat Yard Alameda CA 加州風景寫生

I really enjoy painting in Alameda now, just because there are so many different kinds of subjects I love to do, one of them is boats, of course. Yes, I painted at Grand Marina again. I did one of the same boats as during the event week, but I was not happy with the result. So I had to come back to paint it before the opening reception. It was much warmer weather than the week before. Actually I felt hot standing and painting in the sun. The big boat had changed its angle since my drawing was done, they were working on fixing it. A couple of nice local people passing by and told me that they liked my work, thought the boat looked prettier in my painting than the real one. Still I got caught in traffic though I left home in the early afternoon. (Updating from August 10, 2018)