
Plein Air @ Los Gatos Private Home CA 加州風景油畫寫生

It was raining in the morning, I thought that I couldn't paint out, might be stay in bed a little longer... Ended up Google maps directed me to a wrong location. Finally, I found out that we painted warm and dry with the other artists at an artist's gorgeous home. I felt regret that I had chosen today as my first fasting day of the new year. In addition to the wonderful people, there was delicious food, wine and snacks served at this artist's home. Sun came out finally, everything looked more beautiful, but my still life painting wasn't finished... My original artwork @

Plein Air @ Rose Barn Morgan Hill CA 加州風景油畫寫生

"It’s all about the journey, not the outcome." – Carl Lewis There is something in the Olympics, indefinable, springing from the soul, inspires all of us for centuries. We watch the games not because who win the medals. It is about before the dreams brought into reality through ones consistent effort, determination, dedication, and self-discipline/motivation. Especially during the Winter Olympics, there were many of tearful stories behind each champions... Believe it or not, being an artist I feel the same. Like today, it was cold and windy this morning. No one says that I have to go out painting in a cold day. But I know I must do it. No matter the result, I think it is my journey to experience and share. It was warm 78 degree from last week, suddenly it dropped down back to 40's, it was only 57 degree at noon today. Yes, I did it again! More original artwork @

Plein Air @ Santana Row, San Jose, CA. 加州風景水彩畫寫生

"When you follow the dream in your heart, you’re energized, inspired, and motivated.” Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 – 1882 American essayist, lecturer, and poet). It was quiet this morning. Not many people passing by. Later getting busier, many trucks stopped to deliver to shops. Wow, it was so warm, about 78 degrees. I finished drinking a whole bottle of water, it reminded me that I really need more water in summer. Again, there was no light on the wall when I started painting. Tiring day from the heat I guess. Santana Row is not only a residential area, also it is a commercial district, full of designer brand shops, bars and restaurants. I used to be a city girl, enjoyed the city life and activities because I was born and raised in one of the oldest cities, Beijing. California life style or maybe living in Silicon Valley, has changed me so much, outdoors for nature and shopping online are my regular activities. I have been to Santana Row only a few times. On the other side from