Fleeting Moments in Life Never Repeating
“What i like about photographs is that they capture a moment that’s gone forever, impossible to reproduce.” ― Karl Lagerfeld As much as I enjoy painting, photography is one of my favorite things to do. Not because I have to collect enough images for my original art, also I think digital media gives us more creative space, with such a wide range of tools available for self-expression, we should update our skills, and be creative as much as possible. So get your camera ready. During shopping time, I carry my camera sometimes too. I asked this young lady if I could capture a photo of this cute puppy Chihuahua in her hand, of course she was happy and I was able to keep this lovely photo. (Please click the image to enlarge) I was looking for a laundromat when I traveled in Mexico. These two dogs suddenly were running in front me. I captured their adventure by holding my camera with one hand, the other hand was still c...