
Showing posts with the label mushrooms

Plein Air @ Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge San Jose CA 加州風景寫生

2020 Day13 Instantly decided to go and paint at Alviso after looking out of window and seeing those dramatic clouds in the early afternoon. I changed my strategy to avoid rush hour traffic. Came for the landscape for sure, but also any unique subject that I couldn't see often I would do it. I discovered a group of mushrooms and did a watercolor sketch. I didn't bring a chair, couldn't sit on the wet ground. You could imagine it wasn't easy to do. It was a beautiful day. We don't usually see clouds, only during our winter rainy season. The wet land looked amazing with the reflection of the clouds in the water. Suddenly, hundreds birds started flying together. Super bright white birds against the mountains with the shadow of the clouds in the background. That precious moment what I saw really took my breath away. Then I parked my car, decided to wait to see the birds flying together again. Did a sketch while I was waiting. What I was waiting for did not happen, ...