Original Art Story - Inspired by Henri Matisse

I am one of the millions who love Henri Matisse's art. I admire not only his modernist color, his abstract perspective, but also his free spirit expressed in art. Fascinated by his inspiration in paper cut-outs based on colored stencils - images are characterized by brilliant colors, swirling lines and arabesques forms in series of jewel-like shapes. His themes range form the circus to female forms amongst the sea... what a genius! "In art, the genuine creator is not just a gifted being, but a person who has succeeded in arranging for their appointed end, a complex of activities, of which the work is the outcome." - Henri Matisse So a crazy idea formed firmly in my head last year, I would love to use some of shapes those Matisse created to design a new series. It took me about 3 months from study to finish the work before last Christmas. I redefined the colors which are fit into a modern home in our 21st century. I painted and named 4 wood panels as "Celebrate ...