
Showing posts from January, 2013

All Freedom Should Start with Practice

"Learning to walk sets you free. Learning to dance gives you the greatest freedom of all, to express with your whole self the person you are." - Melissa Hayden Lucky me that I can walk, the artistic vision and the rich imagination I have had set my thoughts free. I never had learned to be a ballerina, though it was one of the many dreams of mine. I do not think that I could stand the physical challenge of a dancer, but I do enjoy watching and appreciate deeply every single movement all the dancers make. Ballet really has become one of my most favorite subjects to paint, it has come into my dreams countless times as I am one of those dancing on the stage, and also in ancient Rome I was dancing ballet in the middle of the Colosseum! It might have made me wonder if there was a certain kind of soul that haunted me deeply inside, and this transformed into a vision I saw through my mind's eye. Reading all the novels, stories, and watching all the movies, TV series, we all ...

Red-Haired Girl on a Sydney Train

Last time when I visited Sydney, Australia, I saw this red-haired young lady on the train going downtown carrying a very large brunch of gardenias, she was almost buried by the flowers she carried, they brought such a lovely fragrance surrounding her on the train. Luckily, she was looking outside of the window, so I could study her from where I sat: Her red dress was a tiny bit longer than the short black unbuttoned-wind-jacket she was wearing. Her short red hair was contrasted by the collar of her black jacket, her two lean and long legs were positioned gently and femininely on the blue covered seat... I realized that this was not the main reason to grab my attention. From my artistic vision it was the beauty of the whole package - youth, color contrast, simplicity, freshness, sweetness, dreaming... full of life, maybe some mysterious reason too since I had no idea who she was! Finally, I painted her for sharing what ...

Fleeting Moments in Life Never Repeating

“What i like about photographs is that they capture a moment that’s gone forever, impossible to reproduce.”   ― Karl Lagerfeld As much as I enjoy painting, photography is one of my favorite things to do.  Not because I have to collect enough images for my original art, also I think digital media gives us more creative space, with such a wide range of tools available for self-expression, we should update our skills, and be creative as much as possible.  So get your camera ready. During shopping time, I carry my camera sometimes too.  I asked this young lady if I could capture a photo of this cute puppy Chihuahua in her hand, of course she was happy and I was able to keep this lovely photo. (Please click the image to enlarge) I was looking for a laundromat when I traveled in Mexico.  These two dogs suddenly were running in front me.  I captured their adventure by holding my camera with one hand, the other hand was still c...